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Repcon Associates is a Kenyan owned company fully registered under the Companies Act.
The name Repcon is an abbreviation for Resource and Environmental Planning Consulting Associates, which in a nutshell, captures the business focus for the company.
Though registered in 1998, the firm brought together the cumulative experiences of the partners who had been in consultancy since the early 1990.
To learn more about the firm, check out the About Us page.

We have expanded to a fully-fledged consultancy firm located at its own Training Resource Center at Muguga- the research capital of Kenya.
To learn more about the firm's location & contacts, check out the Contact Us page.

Past Clientele:

Since inception, Repcon Associates has maintained an impressive clientele base within and outside of government. We had had occasion to offer services as follows:-

1. Government of Kenya through:- Ministry of Local Government, Ministry of Lands and Housing, Ministry of Water and Irrigation , Ministry of Industry and Enterprise Development

2. Government of Kenya agencies including:- The Water Resources Management Authority-WRMA, The Export Processing Zones Authority-EPZA, The Mt. Kenya East Pilot Project for Natural Resource Management, The Lake Victoria Environmental Management Programme-LVEMPII, Kenya National Highways Authority-KeNHA, Kenya Urban Roads Authority-KURA, The Kenya Power and Lighting Company, The Kenya Electricity Transmission Company, The Rural Electrification Authority, National Museums of Kenya, The National Irrigation Board, Council for Legal Education/ Kenya School of Law, among others.

3. Development Partners and UN agencies in Kenya including:- The World Bank East African Regional Office, JICA-Japan International Cooperation Agency, The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR).

4. International NGOs including;- FARM –Africa, World Vision-Kenya, World Wide Wildlife Fund- WWF.

5. Private sector operators:- Hemmingways Ltd, The Light Academy Schools, Muthaiga Golf Club among many others.

This list is by no means complete, and an exhaustive list can be obtained on request.

A selection of some assignments previously undertaken by our company is provided in the Services offered page.